Homeowner Buildings and Contents Insurance/Landlords Insurance

For most of us our house and its contents represent the majority of our assets. The correct insurance is essential to safeguard the investment you have in your building and contents.

Whether you’re a first time buyer and you need cover for the first time or you've had cover for years and you would like to review what you have in place or you may feel you are paying too much for your current policy, we can access some of the top companies in the UK and it's possible we could beat your current policy on price, quality or even both!

Call back form

We can search a panel of well known insurers for the most suitable policy to meet your requirements.

The policies we offer typically provide cover for the following:

  • Fire, smoke, explosion, lightning, earthquake
  • Storm or flood
  • Escape of water or oil
  • Contents within the grounds of your home
  • Malicious damage or vandalism
  • Replacement Locks
  • Property Owners Liability
  • Theft
  • Trace and access
  • Alternative accommodation

Optional extras at an added cost may include, for example; legal costs, home emergency and specified personal possessions with certain providers.

Landlords Insurance

We can help landlords find a policy that meets their needs, whether you
have 1 property or 101 properties we can build a package for your portfolio.
Some of the main benefits included in landlords cover are:

  • Accidental or malicious damage
  • Contents cover if the property is furnished or unfurnished
  • Replacement items settled on a new for old basis if they cannot be economically repaired
  • Buildings cover
  • Property Owner’s Liability Cover
  • Alternative accommodation for your tenant
If you need help or want to talk over Landlords insurance call 0845 519 38250845 519 3825

For simple, and sound advice call us today on 0191 7166151

Please feel free to use our online call back form and we’ll call you at your convenience.

Contact us to find out more

NMS Financial Ltd
11 Kingfisher Way
Silverlink Business Park
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE28 9NX

Tel: 0191 7166151

Fax: 0845 519 3822

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